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Un caballo muerto en una calle de Nueva York

8 dic 2011

Aunque este Blog está prácticamente dedicado a la defensa de nuestras mascotas, perros fundamentalmente, pero gatos también, no puedo dejar de transcribir literalmente un correo que ha llegado a mi e-mail esta tarde, a las 19.26 para ser exactos...

No soy partidario de publicar contenidos que no pensaba poner, porque de lo contrario, si no nos ajustamos al objetivo, el Blog se empezaría a ramificar infinitamente y no tendría ningún efecto. Sin embargo, considero que una excepción no hace daño a nadie; es más, puede tener un efecto potenciador que nos dé una visión más acertada de la auténtica realidad. Estos contenidos, ajenos al Blog, los etiquetaré como Otros Maltratos y vidas perdidas. Disfrutadlo, aunque no hace ninguna gracia...

He de decir que está en inglés, pero no hace falta ser un lumbreras en idiomas para poder entenderlo.

Es éste:

Fwd: Dead horse on an NYC street

S*** F***,  mail@***.org

Dear Miguel,

A few weeks ago, a carriage horse named Charlie collapsed and died in the middle of a busy New York City street, prompting an outcry over the abuses of the city’s horse-drawn carriage industry. Now, there's more bad news: Another horse just collapsed this past weekend, right by the iconic F.A.O. Schwartz building on 59th Street.

More than 79,000 people have already signed a petition started by the Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages to end the brutal industry. But proposed legislation that would save other horses from grisly deaths is stalling in the New York statehouse -- legislators are unsure if Americans really care about this issue.

Will you give the legislation a crucial boost by signing the Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages' petition to shut down NYC's abusive horse-drawn carriage industry?

The holiday season is particularly lethal for carriage horses in New York -- because of the tourist onslaught, they’re forced to work even longer hours than usual. They get only 15 minutes of break time every 2 hours, despite the cold temperatures and dangerous traffic conditions, and still have to go back to tiny, squalid stalls in Manhattan.

I've included our original email on this issue below. Please sign the petition to support New York state legislation banning horse-drawn carriages now:

Thanks for being a change-maker,

- S*** and the team

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: St*** F***,
Date: Saturday, November 17, 2011at 11:07 AM
Subject: Dead horse on a NYC street

Dear friend,

Draft horses are known for being tough -- but even they aren't tough enough to survive New York's abusive horse-drawn carriage industry.

Carriage horses work for an average of only 4 years. (Horses for the mounted police can work for 15.) The short lifespan is due to medical neglect, inadequate diet, long work hours in every kind of weather, and paltry living conditions while working in stressful city environments they're just not meant for.

And once they’ve outlived their usefulness to the industry, "retiring" carriage horses can be auctioned for slaughter.

The Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages is an advocacy group working to end this cruelty, and has started a petition on to support a ban being proposed by New York state Senator Tony Avella. Will you sign the Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages' petition calling on the New York state Senate to shut down NYC's abusive horse-drawn carriage industry?

Public outcry has peaked after the collapse and death of a New York City carriage horse named Charlie last month. Six other horses have been involved in traffic accidents or collapsed in the street since July. Now is the time to shut the horse-drawn carriage industry down.

Please sign the petition telling the New York state Senate to outlaw horse-drawn carriages now:

Thanks for being a change-maker,

- S*** and the team

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